Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Shy Coyote in Chicago

Picture from the Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago has the highest population of urban coyotes in the nation. With over 2,000 of these cute little predators roaming around you have to assume that they occasionally feel like a fresh toasted sub. Yesterday a coyote was wandering around downtown and ducked into a Quizno's Sub. In the past couple years numerous sightings have been reported in the Lincoln Park Zoo with coyotes prowling for thier next meal.


Robot Dracula said...

What kind of sandwich did it order? My fave is the honey mustard chicken sub, It's killer.

Anonymous said...

Poor guy...I love coyotes! They're so cute! You can't blame them for moving in with people. Their homes are shrinking and they have nowhere to go. We have to learn to live with them and all the other wildlife that's moving in.