Saturday, March 31, 2007

Joe Moore, 49th Ward Alderm

So I've been working for the campaign to re-elect Joe Moore, the alderman up in Rogers Park. I was at a rally today at which I saw Jesse Jackson Jr. speak. It was a great little rally, full of union workers, low income housers, politicians, and plenty of granola. Mr. Jackson mentioned that he saw Joe on you-tube. He was referring to this video. Its funny how these neighborhood elections work.

The second video is of Don Gordon, the opposition in the election. You can tell by his doctored speech in the video that he is trying to rid Rogers Park of any racial diversity and intends to mask this offence by offering new policy to fight crime. I wonder what Don Gordon is really saying?! It's obvious that this video has been edited and has been overdubbed. I smell a scandal!

1 comment:

Robot Dracula said...

AMAZING! Kevin I would say we have a POWER BLOG on our hands! "Lets Party" That was classic. Keep Bloggin'!